My Effective Exercise Tip for Parents: Fitness Bootcamp Day 2

Holding still on a push-up position for 60 seconds is really hard for me. But you can imagine that after 5 pregnancies, my abdominal muscles has done nothing but get stretched out to the max and it needs strengthening to get that area looking like it used to a long..long…time ago. Well Friday was no different, as soon as we were told to get down on our knees and assume the push-up position, I instantly felt beaten. I knew that "mentally" I’d have to work harder.

Surprisingly, Friday’s 60 seconds of holding up came easier this time around. I actually found a way to do it. How so? Well, moms (or dads), remember putting your fussy infant to sleep and having to hold that baby for a LONG time without moving just so you can attempt to put her/him down? (Kind of like that video below) Well, that’s exactly what got me through! I imagined a baby in my arms and just waited and waited so calmly to just hold and not make any movement until it's all over. Before I knew it, that 60 seconds went by like nothing!

So there you have it parents, if you ever wanted to go back into getting in shape again - Think baby, think of crying, unhappy baby. Run, run like you’re after a baby falling off the chair. Bend, bend like you had to pick up and wrangle a toddler off your leg.

And that’s my Fitness lesson for today…lol

Documenting my one month, 3x a week Fitness Bootcamp adventure with Total Results Training

Giving Fat a Boot: Fitness Bootcamp Day 1
