Rain Rain Go Away

This past Friday I have been invited to join the staff writer team of a newly launched Chicago neighborhood online mag and I couldn’t be more excited. I have this blog to thank for having been discovered. Apparently, the Communications Director has been lurking here and enjoyed my writing style. Who would’ve known! Now if you had a chance to read my “101 Things About Me” (found in my sidebar), it shows in #35 that I once dreamt of being a writer. And voila, here it is! But then again, does this make me a writer? So imagine my excitement when I was asked!
I will basically write about everything and anything about Chicago Chinatown and its surrounding neighborhoods. So every night I have been concocting of many articles I would like to write. At most times these exciting ideas lull me to a happy sleep. My semi-organized mind ran through many contacts and research ways about this Chinatown. The possibilities are just so endless and my excitement is surging even more.
My problem is that although I have many great ideas, I can easily be intimidated. I tend to question myself when people question my capabilities. Like I am not worth of such honor. Deep down it makes me angry, but it definitely fuel the flames in my love of writing. So in my excitement to do this newly acquired work, I question myself if I am doing this just to prove that I could. I hate to think of it that way, but some people have a way of dampening your spirits!
Have you ever been in a situation when someone near and dear to you have no faith in what you can accomplish?
Thanks hon!
Mommy On The Verge
You got me on the Young Maiden part...hehe. I'm nearing 40 now too.
J's Mommy
Thanks for the encouraging words
Congrats on the new title, you will do Chicago China Town proud.
Thank you for the encouraging words.
I just did! Thank you so much. :-)
Since I'm a Chicago girl myself, I want the site so I can find out all about Chinatown and other fun Chi-town stuff to do.
Don't doubt yourself. If you can't help it, just fake confidence and pretty soon you'll do such a great job you'll forget all about feeling insecure.
Thanks Gi! It's nice to see my girlfriends commenting here:-)
Thank you for the encouraging words.I will sure to post the links to my articles here in my blog.
Thnx! I'm excited and I do hope that it'll be fun.
I will definitely let you know when I finally get my first article in. Thanks Val!
Mommy Off the record
Thanks for taking the time to give me that great advice!
er, no pressure.
You are going to be great, and the confidence will come. Till then, like kathryn said, just fake it!
My Dad's wife was a witch and discouraged me from all my dreams until one day I just left and I am still afraid to try sometimes. I am trying to get over it...