#ONEMoms raise voices through a journal
In light of a blogger bashing WSJ article today, I am happy to receive this package from my blogger friends that traveled to Ethiopia with ONEmoms.
On October of 2012 a dozen moms travelled to Ethiopia to listen and learn about other women and their families living in that community. There they witnessed families living in extreme poverty but some who are slowly improving their lives through international help. The bloggers took notes, drew pictures, took photos and compiled them in this beautiful journal. The journal filled with Karen Walrond's amazing photos, and notes after notes from bloggers like Liz Gumbinner, Gabrielle Blair, Christine Koh, and more.
It is quite amazing what a collective group of women bloggers can accomplish! I am thankful for these women sharing their journey.

---Liz Gumbinner
On October of 2012 a dozen moms travelled to Ethiopia to listen and learn about other women and their families living in that community. There they witnessed families living in extreme poverty but some who are slowly improving their lives through international help. The bloggers took notes, drew pictures, took photos and compiled them in this beautiful journal. The journal filled with Karen Walrond's amazing photos, and notes after notes from bloggers like Liz Gumbinner, Gabrielle Blair, Christine Koh, and more.
It is quite amazing what a collective group of women bloggers can accomplish! I am thankful for these women sharing their journey.

"Never fail to believe that you can make a big difference through seemingly small actions.Meeting these women in person, in another decade, another continent, the universe is presenting me with yet another remarkable opportunity to soak in the strength and resilience of women."
---Liz Gumbinner
Joining the ONE Moms movement has been very rewarding for me. Join the fight against poverty by using your voices. Our voices. To use our voices to help educate others, ignite engagement and actions. Help spread what #ONEmoms is all about on your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or your blogs.
To join or learn more go to: one.org/onemoms or contact jharvey(at)one.org