More Sugar In My Bowl
Chicagonista Live Girls - L-R MJ, Beth, Duong, & Nancy |
My daily life today is consisting of deadlines from my Chicagonista staff writers and many follow-ups and emails with folks I keep my online and offline professional relationships with. Site maintenance on social networks like twitter, facebook, site aggregators and such are part of this daily routine. At most days I falter from not having enough help, but I am appreciative of the time my writers has dedicated to help me with the site.
I’ve developed an online persona. Perhaps a more organized MJ than the normal MJ mom who has to swing things to get by. I’ve learned to schedule my way around social media work engagements while I struggle to juggle nap times and play times with my 3 kids. But that’s ok, because I’ve learned to love what I do. And this is just how I roll.
Everything has been so rewarding. It works with my life, my family, and I’m grateful for what I have.
I’m also blessed to have met some new friends along the way. Actually, I met a gazillion of friends. But something special came along and met girlfriends that I feel would be there even if you strip me back down to just me. With or without Chicagonista, I owe these ladies something really special and genuine that they’ve given me. Friendship filled with respect and admiration for each other.

Beth, Nancy, and Duong – thank you for adding more sugar in my bowl!
When you guys get a chance, please check out their sites too:
Nancy Loo - - Big Tiny World @ Chicago Now
Duong Sheahan - Live Healthier and Happier - Digital Girlfriends
Beth Rosen - 4 Keys Media - The MidWife Life