No Blinking Allowed!
Rewinding back from when I was 20 years old, my husband-then-boyfriend once told me that as soon as we turn 21 our lives will speed up uncontrollably fast. Now that I’m 40, I’d have to say --- he’s so right! It zoomed by. Fast. Too fast and I’m starting to really dread it.
No real reason to complain about life in general. I married the love of my life, we’re blessed with 3 healthy children, and we live in a wonderful city. But life is passing by so quickly and it feels like I’m in a race against time to make each and every single day as wonderful and memorable for them (my kids) as much as possible.
Yesterday I was going through some old family videos. I really miss seeing all three of them as tiny little babies and toddlers. I wish there was a way to freeze those moments. But even that may not be enough for me to just cuddle with them to my heart’s content.
My middle son is just starting to get shy when I greet him with a kiss after school. My youngest will be attending preschool this coming fall and yet I’m not over that she’s managed to wean herself from breastfeeding at 16 months. And when our firstborn was just 2 years old, we decided to buy him this indoor gym/playhouse/slide so that he can still be as active inside. The brochure said that it is great for kids from 2-10. This year he’s turning 10!
I’m really excited to see what’s in store for them in the future. But I’m so afraid to even blink and miss something big.
If only we can cuddle and place them on our laps for the rest of our lives.