Sushi, Anyone?

Yes, yes...I'm alive. Been awhile, I know. Writing in my own blog had to take a backseat from other important stuff which are mainly about family.

And speaking of family, check out what my 6 year old came home with today. Sushi craft complete with wasabi, nori, and a set of chopsticks! I had to take pictures of his class project because it was so adorable. The wasabi was made out of clay and paint and the chopsticks were rolled from a cardboard.

As I was taking his picture, he started acting like a sushi chef asking (complete with the accent and all) "want some sushi?" and that made me laugh so hard! He's always been the comic in this family.

So you want some? Hey, they may taste like cardboard...but at least they look great, don't they? I mean that's how my regular cooking taste like anyway. Yeah really! What can I say? Cooking is just not my cup of tea...or bowl of rice.... Or bowl of sugar? Going with the blog theme here. Ok, whatever.

So what else is going on with me? As usual, I have gotten myself involved in more projects. It's an exciting project for a very well known site that I will start writing/blogging for soon. And it starts with a Y and ends with an O. And it's not Google. lol...Anyway, more details soon on my next post. Promise!

By the way, what's your favorite sushi? And where is your favorite place to get sushi?


Anonymous said…
Hmmm I love sushi especially the ones with salmon.

Your son is such a cutie!!! Thanks for dropping by at my site Life of a Filipina Blogger and if you have time visit me here too MommaWannabe

Have a good weekend my new friend ;)!
MJ Tam said…
Thanks for the visit back Jade,
Anonymous said…
Okay this is adorable!
Anonymous said…
awww what a cool craft!! He is so cute!
bonggamom said…
I love this craft! And I'm so impressed that your son is so handy with his chopsticks. Natalie learned last summer but we don't eat chinese or japanese food that often so she doesn't get too much practice.
Anonymous said…
What a great project!
I love unagi--my favorite.
Mom2Amara said…
OMG I heart this craft!

And I love sushi. But Dad2Amara is not a fan so I never get to hit the sushi places. Boo.
Anonymous said…
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Mel said…
ang cute ng sushi...looks yummy :)
Mommy Liz said…
Oh I love sushi, but my hubby doesn't. I go to this Japanese restaurant, can't remember the name though, it's a little pricey so I don't go there very often. But, they make sushi at this China Buffet and Grill and they also make great sushi, with other stuff that I don't taste.
When is the launching of that thing that starts with Y and ends with O that is not Google? Hehehe..
Susan Bearman said…
The craft is great and I'm especially impressed with your photography skills. So fun and well done, by both you and your son. (Sorry, the rhyme was completely unintentional.)