A Social Media Butterfly?!

I can't help it. I'm a sucker to all social media networks (except MySpace since I may just be the oldest living creature if I join in). You name it, I've done it or atleast tried it. But my biggest obsessions right now are of course Twitter, Facebook and if you are in Chicago, you'll be addicted to Windy Citizen too.

The hilarity of "Facebook Fever" is video blogged by Christine of HappySlip.com and I can't seem to stop laughing about it. Don't miss the other video too.

The video below will explain what or who are New Media Douchebags. LOL

Ouch?! But I like the sound of Social Media Butterfly better than New Media Douchebag. Don't ya think?



Anonymous said…
hehe that was funny!
Mom2Amara said…
Happy Slip is so on target with that one, eh?

I had a friend watching over my shoulder and he asked, "are all Filipinos sarcastic like that?!" Kinda made me laugh!
Mommy Liz said…
Christine is funny. I like her facial reaction. So, does that mean Facebook is not a good thing? I started to like it now..hehehe