Above and Beyond! Weber Shandwick & Campbell's

*** Check out my entry in MomViews.net too...Sharing you the newest TV Ad for V-Fusion! You guys are the first to see it.

Thanks to Weber Shandwick
(Aaryn Enos, Sarah Kittel, Caroline Guth & Sarah Mages) Campbells, V-8!!! You are all fantastic. Here is another video blog recap of my great day here in Philly. And below that are other video tidbits that happened during the day we spent at Campbell's Headquarters.

Campbell's Kitchen - How To

Campbell's Taste Test - How To



Anonymous said…
What a great recap. I loved the taste test lady. She's funny!
Anonymous said…
Can I say how jealous I am that you are always being flown everywhere like this? Wasn't it Hakia, Consumer Reports, and now this! I want your job. You are just way too cool for me girlfriend!

My favorite: Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich hands down!
Mom2Amara said…
Loved watching all of your videos. It was like I too was a 'chosen' one :)

Looks like you had tons of fun! So cool!
Dee said…
Hi! Came to know about your site thru Liz' site.

Your job sounds fun! Awesome!
Anonymous said…
Hey! This is my first time here and wow, what a great site you have! Fun with Campbells huh?! :-)