Our family movie of choice in our hotel room last night was
Kung Fu Panda. My husband and I didn't know if the kids will go with it because they've seen it with my brother already. And we were really surprised that they agreed so quickly. However, it turned out the be one big mistake. Throughout the movie they kept giving us spoilers. "Mama, look watch this -- Po will blah blah.." or "Oh, this is the best part, watch when Po climb up blah, blah, blah..." It was hard to enjoy it and by mid-show I already knew how it will end. So a note to self: Remember to only pick movies they have not seen yet so they can concentrate and be quiet with us.
I did however walk away with a kick-ass saying from Oogway the wise turtle:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. And that is why they call it -- present"...aaaaahhhh...loved that one! I love all Carpe Diem life lessons. It almost gives one the license to be bad for that moment don't you think? Well, being bad for me is as far as giving soft drinks to my little ones or allowing them to have a piece of cake for breakfast. And yes, I do feel guilty about it. In my defense, I happened to have seized that moment. :-)