A quickie

I have yet to write about my Blogher conference recap but it is another beautiful day here in Chicago and decided to watch the boys' tennis lesson. My 5 yr. old love the part where the instructor ask them to run around and race to pick up balls. I should try that technique at home! LOL.

Lake Michigan is a beauty to behold that I wish to capture and share with you. But my incredible iPhone can only do so much. This is the first time I'm blogging via cellphone. Woohoo.


Anonymous said…
aww they are so sweet! Enjoy the weather!
Manager Mom said…
It's kind of pathetic how much I am into reading blogher recaps when I couldn't go... bring it, please!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey, that's cool. Maybe remote blogging will be my excuse to buy an iPhone!
Kevin McKeever said…
by cell phone? Mine is 6 years old. Not sure it has letters on the number. Color me impressed.
Mommy Liz said…
wow! my cell phone is prepaid phone from walmart, hahaha!! i don't think I would ever write blogs while using it...Another activity for your kids? Well, I started driving now, so hopefully, my kids can do some sports too..Wish me luck that I pass my driving test when I take it..Regards to all..
Anonymous said…
Aren't iPhones great? I set up twitterific on mine this weekend. Gotta make sure I don't miss those tweets. Oh, and I set up the facebook app too. I'm still waiting to get the new iphone and I'm giving my old one to my dh *g.