Waddling My Way Through

This morning I woke up feeling achy in my lower abdomen. I know this feeling way too well. I’ve had 3 children after all. I’m just right across the street from Northwestern Memorial Hospital so I can easily waddle my way up there when I’m ready to deliver this baby. I was actually sitting with friends pointing at the entrance of the hospital just in case they need to assist me in getting there. Mimi, a good friend who I lost contact with was there. And then I woke up…
I swear I have the weirdest dreams! Let me tell you how my real life played a role into this dream:
- I have been working out for the first time in a long time. So every muscle is sore, most specially my abs. Oy!
- Mimi is a friend that I have not talked to in ages. My guilty conscience is bombarding me to get with it and contact her already. I feel terrible that I have not talked to her since I gave birth to my daughter last year! Life got in the way, what can I say. I'm sorry Mims!
- And last but not least, my Father-In-Law congratulated my husband on our upcoming 4th baby. Pregnant?! Ugh no! A relative got me confused with my pregnant sister-in-law and blurted out that we are pregnant while visiting my in-laws in California. It turned out funnier when I forgot that I told this story to my mom and then my little brother called to congratulate me. hehe...
It seems like this blog is turning into my dream journal. Have you read these yet?
Have a nice weekend, guys.!!
I can relate to dropping the ball with friends after having a child. There's a handful of people who must think I dropped of the face of the Earth.