Much Ado About Everything
This past week is no different, but somehow I felt busier with the kids. So excuse another one of those bullet-pointed postings again. Just so much to say…
- The boys are enjoying their 2hour (M-F) daily sports camps and we still managed our weekly museum and library run. The Planetarium was a big hit, and we even enjoyed some astronaut freeze-dried ice cream bars. I promised that we will be visiting again this summer. But first, we have to finish in visiting everything in our list for this summer.
- Yesterday (Saturday), the boys also started doing tennis for the first time. I really enjoyed watching them learn something new. So far they love the game and the space they are in. How can they not? They were playing at the courts by the lake…and it was just spectacular! To be surrounded with trees, grass, and the lake overlooking a beautiful Chicago skyline, it was bliss. We are looking forward for more of this.
- My creative writing class was as absorbing as the last one. We are asked to formulate a 60 second commercial (in video or comic strip). We are of course achieving to be effective and yet creative in how we deliver the words. Sounds fun doesn’t it?! My group thought of maybe selling a hair miracle product. A magical cream that work with all types of hair. I’m thinking of many funny situations and wordings already. But again, we are only given 60 seconds and it has to be creatively effective. One thing I am stuck with is giving an actual name to the product. I think it should be something like Sunsilk’s “hairapy”. Any ideas?
- Lately, this site is being hit big time by lots of PR and marketing peeps. So for PR or MARKETING PEOPLE --- Just know that I love working with you and also know that I run other sites:,,,, and more...
Yes, Chicago skyline very beautiful....the Windy City if I remember its called, and made famous by Al Capone, ha ha.
You have a nice day, Lee.
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