Happy Thoughts

... because God knows I need to focus on positive energies…
- My 17-month-old daughter is quite a greeter. When a familiar face is in sight, she quickly raises her arms and wave with so much excitement followed by a sweet almost whisper-like Heeeeeeeeeeey! Kind of like that buddha on the left. Her pure delights are infectious. My husband and I are ecstatic to see her be more social.
- The boys are enjoying their summer activities. They’re enrolled in a 2-hour fitness camp and tennis. We also started our museum rounds for the season. I am amazed and amused in how much they enjoy the art museums.
- The much-awaited event I am organizing an event in San Francisco that will be attended by over 100 writers and bloggers is almost here! I am excited and giddy. I’m the main organizer for the swags. This is by far the biggest live event I’ve organized. Other than my past company's monthly marketing events which were considerably much smaller money in budget. So far we have Yahoo, CBS, GM Chrysler, and Typepad as the corporate sponsors and have over 30 product sponsors from Saks 5th, Olay, and the very impressive list goes on (patting my own back here -- hey, I deserve it from all the hard work!). There will be shoes, designer apparels, etc…I will of course share more when the event happens…
- This past weekend, I attended a well-planned surprise baby shower for Steph. Thanks to the fabulous Ashlee and Arianne. Steph already have 3 boys and is now expecting a girl! Pink and ruffles galore is in sight. Needless to say that she will definitely have her hands even fuller by August. Congrats again Steph! Check out her shower posting here…
- Met some other really great mommy bloggers at the shower and I just want to give them a shout-out. Hello to Mimi’s Toes (Steph’s mom), Crooked Eyebrows , and Milk & Honey – who is also due around the same time Steph is. It was great meeting you guys.
- My parents love their Aquatic Low Impact exercise class that I sort of forced them into doing…hehe. It helps my mom regain muscle elasticity that she had lost a lot from being diabetic and now stagnant after retiring. She can hardly walk a block without being in pain. The doctor suggested that she exercise more, but walking without assistance is unbearably painful for her. With the aquatic exercise, she’s able to move without pain. So, I’m happy that they are enjoying themselves.
Wow-- writing all this good stuff happening in my lil' life is therapeutic in itself…