Lashed out onTop Chef !
That’s it! I walked out of the competition. I was one of the last 2 chefs battling it out on the TV show called Top Chef.
For our last competition, the 2 of us were given two other chefs to assist us on our very last mission. Unfortunately, one of the assistants I was given completely sabotaged my work. Without consulting me, he decided that I didn’t have enough veggie in my menu so he pureed some vegetables and added it to the plate right before I was about to hand them to the judges.
Of course I refused to send it out to the judges, so I bowed down and accepted defeat instead by walking out. I am frustrated, angry, and most especially disappointed! I am so disappointed that I woke up from that dream! Yes, a dream - that is all.
Darn…lol I must’ve been pureeing so much veggie for my daughter that it now erupted in my dream. And although this didn't beat my last good dream, I must say that it was quite awesome rubbing elbows with Padma and them peeps...
Any awesome dreams for you lately?
Just teasing. My dreams are weird, but not that weird ;-)