Project "Cover Your Vadgees"

We all know showing your Britney's are so out this 2008 and thanks to Shibue Couture - all those short-wearing party "vadgees" (yes, I'm coining this term) can be conveniently covered once again!

Get those hoohas (vajayjays or punanys) covered already so you don't catch a cold!
It is basically a designer adhesive tape that can also make you have a brazilian when taking it off. Ok, that brazilian part is a joke, but yes it is an adhesive. Hey Shibue -- you didn't think of that one did you. Ouch.

Go ahead, click on that link. You know you want to! hehe...or shall I say hoooo hoooo hoooo hah hah hah. I am so getting a kick out of this one.


Anonymous said…
Ok, there is just something really wrong about that photo.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I'm totally cracking up here. "Vadgees" is my new favorite word. No wonder I catch colds all of the time, I don't have adhesive tape for my hooha!
Anonymous said…
Interesting is all I can say!
Irene said…
Uh - you've left me speechless.
maria said…
So what happens to stray hairs? Or will that have to be totally nude? Shhhh... I'm in the library...
Johnny Wadd said…
Showing off your goods never goes out of style. Unless you are old, then nobody needs to see that.