Bored No More

Today we received mail from Cookie (a parenting magazine) soliciting for subscribers, and in it came along some very colorful alphabet stickers. In the label it says, "These cookie stickers are our free gift to you. Enjoy!". As you can see below --- my boy did enjoy them just as suggested. He enjoyed placing the stickers on his napping 4-year-old brother's face.

Thank you Cookie magazine for making my silly 7-year-old giggle to no end.


Unknown said…
now THAT is HILARIOUS!!!!! i should do this next time the thin man falls asleep at a most inopportune time and post it to my blog! :)

hey did you see the nice post about us up at rice daddies! :)
Angel said…
LOL!!! He SLEPT through that!!!???? No WAY!!!

that;s a good one..
Anonymous said…
hahaha cute!!
Anonymous said…
that's adorable, I love it!!
I think that's the best way to spend a summer day, torturing your siblings!
Irene said…
That's funny! I did the same thing to my sister with a roll of scotch tape. 20 years later and we still laugh about it!
Anonymous said…
hehe Got to love brothers!
Sugarmama said…
My girls love them some stickers, too. I can't tell you how many times I've walked out of the house on some errand only to discover later that I was decorated all over my backside with stickers. Good fun!
Sugarmama said…
My girls love them some stickers, too. I can't tell you how many times I've walked out of the house on some errand only to discover later that I was decorated all over my backside with stickers. Good fun!
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha that is a wonderful picture. Way to put those stickers to good use!!
we are reilly said…
How fun! I can't believe it if he REALLY slept through all of that --what fun. That's what siblings are for, right?