Sugar Vibe Winner and Labor Story

Katie is exactly 1 month today! Boy, was that quick or what?! Anyway, I finally recuperated just enough to get some normalcy in the homefront, so it is finally time to post about the labor and delivery story and name the Vibe winner. (It’s about time!)

First off, thanks for those that joined in. Beth never ceases to crack me up! And everyone did pretty good with their guesses, but the closest answers are from Slackermommy! So congratulations Slackermommy – and come on down and receive your vibe trophy! Hehe… For those who missed the posting of the contest, read here.

Here are my labor and delivery facts if you are curious:

-Vaginal or Caesarian ? Vaginal
- Epidural or Natural? Epidural all the way!!!
- Girl or Boy? She’s a girl!
- Length of Labor? 4 hours
- Male or Female Doctor? Male
- Will the baby be in
- room or at the nursery at night? Nursery – hey I want my sleep at night
- Will husband cut the cord? Nope, he still chickened out. It makes him nervous.
- Does baby have hair? Lots and lots of hair
- Time baby is born 12 hours
- Date baby is born Feb. 18th
- Baby's Length 21 inches
- Baby's Weight 8 lbs.

She came out on my 4th push and everything went well…until I started bleeding really heavy. It became pretty obvious that it had gotten very serious because the next thing you know there were over 10 medical staff surrounding me and prepping me up for surgery. I quickly started feeling very lightheaded and couldn’t even hold my daughter well. I was sutured up for the next 7 hours and I was pretty much in the same postion with both my legs bent and wide open like a frog being worked on. They added even more anesthesia during suturing so the feeling in my legs didn’t even come back until after 2 days. And when it came back, they realized I developed a pinched nerve and muscle strain on my left upper thigh near the crotch area so I couldn’t even make a step until 2 days after, and even so they had a Physical Therapist come and helped me walk with the temporary disability.

Now you know why it has taken me this long to recuperate. All is well now – but the complication made it easy for my husband and I to finally decide that this is it for us. We are officially off the baby making business! I’m not sure if I should be excited or sad about that.


Anonymous said…
awww ... such a beautiful (although scary at the end there!)

Thanks for sharing! I cannot believe it has been a month :)
Angel said…
wow, what a birth story...and scary. But I can totally see why you are such a slacker in the blogging dept. ;)

congrats slackermommy! Put it to good use!

Hey, you can still practice, right? ..even if you don't want any more babies?
Anonymous said…
wow, no wonder. I'm so glad that you're okay and I can't believe it's been a month already.

I had a lot of bleeding too afterward and it's very scary. My husband had to be taken from the room because he was starting to really freak out.
maria said…
Just found your blog, I missed all the fun... and the scare towards the end. Am glad you're doing fine, though. My daughter is a product of more than 12 hours of labor, but my son just wanted out
Anonymous said…
Only 4 hours of labor, huh? My wife labored for half a day with our first. Two hours max with our second.

Glad everything's OK with you and your baby.

Slackermommy said…
Congrats! I can't believe I haven't stopped by for so long or that I won. Very cool. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
This is late, but happy 1 month birthday. She's gotta be 3 months by now! I'm jealous that you had 4 hours of labor as mine 2as like 30 plus hrs and ended in a C-Section.
Qtpies7 said…
Wow, thats scary. My first baby was pretty traumatic, and I need therapy to walk, too. I was unable to leave the hospital for 19 days, and only then because I begged and cried all over a new intern. I still had to stay in bed for another week. (in a foreign country with no family)
BUT I never had trouble like that again, and I went on to have 6 more kids!
If you go to my blog, on the link section, there is a link to a site called don't fix it. org, and they talk about what REALLY happens to your body after a sterilization surgery. My dh has had at least 3 of those things happen, then we had it reversed.

Thanks for sharing your story, I love hearing about births!