Just For A Little Bit Longer

Brrrrrrrr…it is definitely cold out there! The bone chilling –30 arctic wind chills for the 4th day in a row calls out for a complete hibernation. And with the whole city of Chicago in mourning after the Bear’s loss - it got even more unbearable. That’s the part that sucks the most when your own city is in the loser side because you get to witness a citywide self-pity. I am not even a Bears fan, but it is so easy to get sucked in to the whole “party mood” and even expect and look forward to the people doing their victory dances around you. My poor boys’ hopes in getting their class parties donned with Bears Superbowl victories will now be non-existent.
Actually, all that doesn't really matter right now. My 6 year old couldn’t care less if the Bears lose or not, or whether the rest of the city freezes – that’s because he came down with a flu. Poor Baby! His 104 temps kept him tucked in bed while my husband and I worried about him and as well as making sure that the rest of us does not catch it. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that my 3 year old will manage not to catch it.
Since last week I've been praying to hopefully finally go into labor. But now I’m thankful that she’s still inside being kept comfortable and healthy. I am quite afraid of bringing her out in the world when it is this frigidly cold and with all the viruses wafting in the air inside our home right now. But I suppose there isn’t much we can do if in case she decides to finally bust out. So either way, we would have to be prepared.
Well baby preparation started since we found out that we are expecting our third child. We are as ready as we can be at this point in time. Pregnancy also always gave me an inspiration to create something new for the baby with my own hands. With my first child, I got really crafty and made my own fabric photo albums, and even extended and honed my creative talents in using my computer for designing invitations, notecards, etc. It eventually lead to many other things like making my sister-in-law’s wedding stuff like I did here as well as many of my friends and family event needs.
With my second child, I got more intense with learning more computer stuff and even learned some basic html and learned many other applications on my own. It's really not a lot, but enough to get me through basic stuff. At the same time, I got inspired to make many other things with fabric for the baby that lead me to do stuff like I did here.
Now with this pregnancy, I decided to go further and tried to make real baby clothings. As soon as we found out that the little bean is a girl, I was given a wider variety of designs in my head. I even made my own baby clothing patterns and happily slaved away with the sewing machine my sister-in-law bought me years ago. I made pajama sets, dresses, and even beddings. I got busy and I had so much fun. Check out the 2 kimono style items I made for her. I can't say that the quality is there and how much wear will it take, but overall I liked how it turned out visually.
This one is made out of fleece and so I know she will definitely be warm in it. I was afraid that the ribbon I had sewn by hand was not going to stay after being laundered, but it actually survived it.
This next one is sewn with a flannel material (love the print on this one!). I added the blue ribbon to enhance -- err I mean actually cover up the amateur sewing stitches and it worked like a charm...hehe!
If she succesfully wear it even just for the sake of home photo shoots without tearing it up, then that was worth all the hard work for me. Now I can atleast cross it out on my "want to try to learn how to do" list.
Btw - 3 more bloggers that has posted my SALE link has not come forward for their free vibe. I tried emailing you, but I haven't received your addresses.
Also - the rest were mailed out today, you should all get them by the end of the week.
50% off sale still continues @ IntimatePursuits.com and visit the new http://sugarsale.blogspot.com to see how you can get your 50% discount.
I will be posting more freebies for the next few weeks...so stay tuned :-)
Eeps on the flu, hope you and the baby stay warm and flu free!! Your antibodies will keep the baby safe, especially if you breastfeed!
chelle Aww thanks. I think knitting is sooo much harder, and I would love to learn how to one day.
I am planning on breastfeeding, but I can't imagine the baby feeling all safe around the boys being sick.
Those are very cute. I wish I had learned to sew sooner so I could have had fun doing baby clothes. Instead I now get to do doll clothes. Oh and possibly a Flower Girl dress... need to think about fabric for an easter dress too.
I love to sew too...but I mostly make doll clothes, cuz the dolls don't complain as much about the fit.
Oh, I meant to say earlier that I posted about your sale on my site when I introduced you as my renter. Does that count? I want a freevibe ;) Let me know.
elleoz Thnx!
And about the vibe - Yes Ma'am! Pls. email me your address so I can send it to you.
BTW, I love that pregnant Barbie picture! Thats the weirdest thing I've ever seen!
Keep up the good work!
- Angel
I'm sorry that your boy is sick and I truly hope the rest of you don't get it.
You're getting so close now, I can't believe it's been nine months. That makes me feel old in blogging years!
The clothes are so adorable, you did a great job! I can barely handle doing a hem around the blankets I make, let alone actually make clothes. Can't wait to see them on your little Katie!
BTW - girls, get your addresses in, the vibe is awesome! Thanks again for sending me one!
Don't need a silver bullet...though those dang things are STRONG from what I have seen, though your creams and lotions are a nice thought.......[winks]
By the way, how is it going? I am adding mention (pimping) about every other day.
I plan to try and keep this going till your about done..[chuckles]
I can't believe it's been nine months. That makes me feel old in blogging years! lol...that's funny!
Glad you received the happy package! hehe
Break from Sanity
You are by far the best pimp a girl can have! lol... I get the hint about lotions...I will definitely see what else I can do for you and the Mrs. lol
(thanks for the comments at my blog...and SO sorry about your bears. we were totally pulling for them!)