Famous Friend

I’ve been feeling out of sort lately and thought I’d ought to call an old time friend to get my mind off things. As I mentioned before, I used to work in the Fashion Industry before I landed in Mommylandia and frequented New York at-least 3-4x a month since our main office is smack dab in the fashion district of the city. To get myself get over the blues, I called my old dear friend who happened to be my former boss. Instantly we set a nice luncheon date and another former co-worker jumped on in and decided to join us. I was so happy! Excited to just be back to normal – like I belong again to the life I once had.
As if my excitement wasn’t enough – another old friend (Sarah) called wanted to join. I have not spoken to her in ages. Our lives went on to different paths, and we just simply didn’t keep up with each other. We have lots to talk about, and I’m in awe on what she had become. I am talking about my friend Sarah Jessica Parker – yes, the famous Carrie of Sex and The City.
So all 4 of us went to lunch. Sarah suggested this hip place called uhhhmmm …damn I can’t remember. Anyway, I felt like we were in some TV scene. For once, there was not one money hungry paparazzi on sight; and there were no fans hounding her for autographs. We were talking about everything and made a promise to each other that we will have lunch again at-least in a monthly basis.
As we were sadly saying our goodbyes with kisses and hugs - all of the sudden I heard my son crying “Mama!” I immediately got up and checked on him. Apparently, he was not the only one dreaming. Hehe. Pregnancy always gives me the funniest dreams. I haven’t begun to tell you that Tom Cruise is the father of my firstborn. Care to share your silly pregnancy dreams?
My pregnancy dreams were always really scary, never fun or wacky, but truly frightning.
Then again I am prone to recurring nightmares, even when not pregnant.
And BTW you had me going there too for a minute. LOL!
but a very good dream :)
I have very vivid dreams but not of celebrities!
your blog design is GORGEOUS....
Great dream though!
nice to see you out and about again! I took a long hiatus during the summer... I was barely able to post let alone stop by my favorite blogs. Now that it is cold I am sure I will be by much more often!
yay - new baby! your nursery is gorgeous.
www.smithical.com (blog under construction...new design in the works!)