Win Some Sugar! A Contest!
When we get home my Dad have us help him quietly scatter flowers in their bed where my Mom is still soundly asleep. And even for a 7 year old, it was apparent to me how my parents truly love each other. Every single time we do this, we get completely excited and then we would burst into giggling. Our little noises always awoke her and then I sit and watch, and wait to see her smile…so beautifully in the morning.
I always knew I wanted to marry someone as romantic as my Dad. And I did. My husband isn’t the flower, or jewelry giving romantic kind of a guy (just like my Dad), but he is marvelously wonderful and romantic in his own way. Before the children ever existed in our lives and I was still working in the office, he would pack my lunch and place it in my bag without being asked, loads the laundry when it is needed, and spoilt me with daily rides to and fro although it is out of his way.
Now blessed with kids, he is even more thoughtful. He cleans my car and place gas on it so I don’t have to, he plugs my cell phone when it needs it, and he always rent all the movies he knows I would love to see. All this he does without having to expect a thank you. Mother’s Day is about to come, and I as always never expect to receive anything grand, because I have been given the best gift of all, the daily fulfillment of love that I receive from my family.
Which brings me to my sugar contest…Tell me about the nicest, most romantic gestures that you have ever received or given. The gesture can be “received from” or “given to anyone”…spouse, friends, kids…etc.
The most touching and inspiring (for me) entry will be awarded a $50.00 Gift Certificate prize from our contest prize sponsor: Mackenzie Miller. I will of course be the sole judge, but I will definitely ask everyone to help and vote before I make my decision. This is just in time for Mother’s Day gift for Mom or yourself. I will announce the winner by Thursday of next week (May 11th).
I always knew I wanted to marry someone as romantic as my Dad. And I did. My husband isn’t the flower, or jewelry giving romantic kind of a guy (just like my Dad), but he is marvelously wonderful and romantic in his own way. Before the children ever existed in our lives and I was still working in the office, he would pack my lunch and place it in my bag without being asked, loads the laundry when it is needed, and spoilt me with daily rides to and fro although it is out of his way.
Now blessed with kids, he is even more thoughtful. He cleans my car and place gas on it so I don’t have to, he plugs my cell phone when it needs it, and he always rent all the movies he knows I would love to see. All this he does without having to expect a thank you. Mother’s Day is about to come, and I as always never expect to receive anything grand, because I have been given the best gift of all, the daily fulfillment of love that I receive from my family.
Which brings me to my sugar contest…Tell me about the nicest, most romantic gestures that you have ever received or given. The gesture can be “received from” or “given to anyone”…spouse, friends, kids…etc.
The most touching and inspiring (for me) entry will be awarded a $50.00 Gift Certificate prize from our contest prize sponsor: Mackenzie Miller. I will of course be the sole judge, but I will definitely ask everyone to help and vote before I make my decision. This is just in time for Mother’s Day gift for Mom or yourself. I will announce the winner by Thursday of next week (May 11th).
Also, if you guys could please let your blogger friends know about this contest, I would most certainly appreciate it. :-)
Mackenzie Miller designs and creates custom jewelry and ceramics that are unique to each customer. Their pieces are not mass-produced and each piece of jewelry and ceramic ware is artfully hand crafted in their studio. They use only the finest crystals, metals, pearls, semi-precious stones, hand-blown glass and lamp-work beads available to fashion exquisite pieces of jewelry that you'll love to wear again and again.
hubby and i have been married for seven years this coming augist, our first baby was born two months after the wedding.. it was tough having an ew baby , every time baby cried i took him from his dad just assuming that because he was male, he could not comfort the baby!
how wrong was i!
i got exauhsted!
one morening i woke up to flowers on teh table with a note saying to use this to have a good day on the "boys" . he had left spa gift certificates and taken the baby out for the day .. i have never asked ( said baby is now almost seven ) i never asked what they did on their " boys day out" as it was between them, but baby and daddy sure bonded that day and it has lasted thru the years.
i returned home to supper ( home cooked) on the table and to find a cleaning service had scrubbed the house top to bottom, piled up baby bibs tiny socks and everything , it was spotless.
it was extra surprising as hubby is NOT the romantic type ( i have never gotten so much as flowers before!)
i hope you enjoyed this as i sure enjoyed revisiting this fond memory! i look forward to reading every one elses comments!
When my husband and I were first married, we were young and dirt poor. So gifts for each other were out of the question.
My husband, though, always found creative ways to tell me he loves me.
I came home one day on our anniversary to find our bedroom covered in sticky notes with messages like "I love you!" and "Happy Anniversary."
Then, on one of my birthdays, we were at the grocery store of all places. He went off to get something in another aisle, or so I thought, and he had the manager announce happy birthday to me over the loud speaker and tell me that my husband loves me very much! I turned a dozen shades of red!
Rob actually won the "Most Romantic Husband" contest for a woman's magazine years ago when I wrote about his thoughtfullness!
And then, of course, we have the Day of Days
I gave my wife a kidney - not one of my own, obviously, but it is the thought that counts.
I've got them all beat though. You ready for it?
My husband picks up the kitty puke for me.
Now if that's not romantic...I don't know what is! ; )
He is now homeless and hooked on acid.
I seriously did not make this up!
I do have to say though, that washing of the feet story is very sweet, very Mary Magdalene.
I was having my wisdom teeth out and was scared, so he took time out that he didn't have just to hold my hand. And when I needed a root canal and several follow-up procedures done because there were problems with the root canal, he continued to take off work to be there for me. :)
After living through years of abuse from her, that comment meant more to me than anything I could ever be given.
My daughter wrote a poem. Her teacher cried. Her teacher shared it with the other teachers, they all cried.
I got an email. "I wish I were You" was all it said.
From Ms. Puddin to Me.
Your strength is like a suit of armour
Your strength is like a bullet ripping through someones heart
Your strength is like a fire burning through a thick log
Your strength is like a weight lifter lifting 300 pounds
Your strength is like a football player dodging a 300 pound man
Your strength is like spider man battling green goblin
Your beauty is like a parade of beauty queens
Your beauty is like a super model walking down the street
Your beauty is like a million dollars
Your beauty is like a beautiful bride in white
Your beauty is like the Van Goh Starry Night painting
Your beauty is like the cover of a magazine
Your determination is like a High Schooler doing a report in one day
Your determination is like finishing a book in one day
Your determination is like doing your and your bosses work in one day
Your determination is like saving up and going to college
Your determination is like going to 4 years of college in 1
Your determination is like getting 3 reports of 10 pages done in 1 day
I just love my mom...
This is probably the reason why god gave me children. I have never received nor will I ever receive a better compliment or gift in my life
My daughter wrote a poem. Her teacher cried. Her teacher shared it with the other teachers, they all cried.
I got an email. "I wish I were You" was all it said.
From Ms. Puddin to Me.
Your strength is like a suit of armour
Your strength is like a bullet ripping through someones heart
Your strength is like a fire burning through a thick log
Your strength is like a weight lifter lifting 300 pounds
Your strength is like a football player dodging a 300 pound man
Your strength is like spider man battling green goblin
Your beauty is like a parade of beauty queens
Your beauty is like a super model walking down the street
Your beauty is like a million dollars
Your beauty is like a beautiful bride in white
Your beauty is like the Van Goh Starry Night painting
Your beauty is like the cover of a magazine
Your determination is like a High Schooler doing a report in one day
Your determination is like finishing a book in one day
Your determination is like doing your and your bosses work in one day
Your determination is like saving up and going to college
Your determination is like going to 4 years of college in 1
Your determination is like getting 3 reports of 10 pages done in 1 day
I just love my mom...
This is probably the reason why god gave me children. I have never received nor will I ever receive a better compliment or gift in my life
Ugh,I'm a bit too late for the contest.Anyways,I've enjoyed reading all the entries, all I can say is awwww awww sooo sweet!!
The sweetest gesture/s I've given I guess, was when I did few days volunteer work at old homes in the Phils & Turkey as a birthday present to myself.Most of my friends think it's weird but who cares, that was (still is) my idea of prefect birthday gift.