And The Winner is....
(For those reading here for the first time, you should read my last 2 postings first and see what the contest is all about along with the touching entries I received.)
Ok Lights… Camera… Drum rolls please.
CAT! Come on down! You are the next recipient of the prestigious (so I say) Sugar Awards! So please accept this plaque award handed to you by the Academy and grace us with a speech.
You have also been awarded a $50.00 Gift Certificate by Perfect timing for Mother's Day and upcoming Anniversary for you and your husband. Cat will also be listed in the Sugar Hall of Famers (found in my sidebar, along with our last month's vibe winner Dawn from WriteWingNut (and now A blonde and her blog).
Ok Lights… Camera… Drum rolls please.
CAT! Come on down! You are the next recipient of the prestigious (so I say) Sugar Awards! So please accept this plaque award handed to you by the Academy and grace us with a speech.

Cat's beautiful story of her husband's loving gesture had definitely warmed my heart and I know some of the readers felt the same way. His selfless and simple act of love has brought you strength and more self love and that in itself is a true gift. Congratulations Cat!
Dawn honey, can you please hand over the crown to Cat so she can sashay down the ramp and do the victory wave. And Cat, remember to always dust your plaque award once in awhile and place it on some heavily guarded and motion-detected shelf. hehe
Thanks to all that participated in this contest - I so enjoyed everyone's entry! Next month's contest will be on the first week of June, so come back and play for some more shooga. :-)
and to all moms,happy mother's day!
Such a tough choice, Sugar! I loved everyone's entries! Cat's warmed my heart, too.