Why Do I Do This To Myself?!

I’ve recently been very active in going to my Chicago Moms; a Moms In The City group, but I have to admit that it has taken a toll in getting stuff done at home. Yesterday I did a clean-up marathon all day because my in-laws are flying in from California to visit for 2 weeks. Yes, 2 freakin’ weeks. The funny part is I have always been a planner. I am somewhat of a freak planner. I make my list of things to accomplish, check each one as I go along, and then smile and take pride when I’ve done everything to the T. And I don’t do things halfway. If I do it, then I might as well do it exactly how it should be done.

Well this past week alone I’ve been to 3 events with the Chicago Moms. I was able to let my hair down and just go with the flow. Not only did I show up in the events but I also got even more active in our online message boards and concocted more plans for upcoming weeks to come.

So imagine my despair when I woke up yesterday morning at 7am. No list to follow and I have 17 hours left to get the house and kids in order before my in-laws arrive at midnight. Not to mention that I only had 3 hours of sleep so I was wobbling around like I’m drunk all day. Thank God my husband decided to stay home because I don’t know how I could’ve managed.

I was running around like a skipping one-legged woman kickin’ ass. I was that busy! (Hehe) Armed with several dose of espresso and a husband who took care of my 2 year old, I did 7 loads of laundry, cleaned 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, 4 bedrooms, basement, kid’s playroom, living room, and still managed to blog a couple fillers (on being punk’d, site stat search,and calgon moment). Whew!

I was so exhausted that this one-legged woman could not skip or kick no mo’. And after yesterday’s marathon – I swore to myself that I would never do that again. I want myself back. Then I turned on my computer and as soon as I checked my email, I realized I just RSVP’d for 3 more events with the Chicago Moms this coming week. Help?!


Anonymous said…
Geez...you're a busy lady! Good luck with all of that! I have one question though...

You have two kitchens?!?!
Anonymous said…
LOL! I so can relate. I love hanging with the TWO mom's groups I belong to! I have to limit the activities to 2 a week or I do batty. Groceries still need to be purchased and the bathroom is not self-cleaning (although that would be the invention of the century eh?)
Donna said…
Ahh but at least you've got an excuse for not cleaning! :) Me? I should be unpacking and cleaning..what am I doing? Sitting here reading random blogs haha! Hope the visit goes well.
Cristina said…
Yeah, you gotta be careful about those moms groups. I got invovled in one and now somehow I've become co-moderator! The bad part is that it takes away from my blogging time. LOL. But I guess it's good to converse with people in the flesh sometimes.
Heather Bea said…
I think you need to just take a breather. I can understand the mom groups, they are fun, hanging out with the mamas, but two whole weeks with the in laws. Are you insane? I think 1 week is bad enough. Do you have a large house? I am sure they are very nice people I just hope you survive.
Anonymous said…
Two weeks??? Luckily my in-laws live close, so no overnights necessary. I'm not sure we'd still be married. Isn't it a little bit of a rush to just get so much done? I procrastinate, so I feel that rush just a little too often.
Blue Fairy said…
i'm a chronic list maker/driver-driver /type A/ stress monkey/perfectionist/why do it if your're not gonna do it right kind of girl myself !(when i have a project in the works) i've had to learn to go with the flow...three kids and a very laid back husband will do that to you...and the panic attacks, don't forget the thrill of the panic attacks! but in the end, i say, bring it on! "i like to move it, move it..." and hooray for espresso!
Mama Grouch said…
my guess is that the only thing to keep you sane will be the mom's group - a chance to get a breatger from the in-laws (no matter how nice they are).

and yeah, tell us about the two kitchens (while i dream about your two baths).
Anonymous said…
Found you through Blog Mad. I enjoyed reading your recent posts, so I thought I would say hello.
Stacy said…
try not to spread yourself so thin. can't you make a master to-do list and include the moms group? this way you can find time to do it all. not that it's even possible but it can help you try.
BlondeBlogger said…
I belong to a homeschool group that operates much like a mom's group. I am CONSTANTLY taking my kids on field trips, group meetings, etc. It can definitely get stressful!
MJ Tam said…
sassy and mama grouch - We have a kitchen put in the basement which we use the most because my office and the kid's playroom are all in there. Then the main kitchen is more for guest, and is supposedly kept clean at all times...NOT!

for the rest thnx for reading - I will sure to visit your sites next!
Anonymous said…
Passing through from the forum and I just want to say that your blog is just fabulous. Now I want a blog too. See you in LM Forum.
Sarah said…
I'm a planer too, it's so satisfying when everything's checked off the to do list :-)
Oh my god. 2 weeks? That's just not right. Have they ever heard of a HOTEL?

Chicago Moms sounds like fun. Now, do you have to be a mom to join? Or can you just be, say, an aunt? Or maybe I should start my own "Chicago aunts (of kids who live in the 'burbs).
Mom on the Run said…
Chooo, Chooo, here comes the laundry choo-choo train! It never ends! What drug did you take to do all that? Let me know!
Happy Easter to you and your family SugarMama!
Anonymous said…
I am exhausted just reading your post. I would definitely like to have whatever kind of espresso you're having.

And 7 loads of laundry? For me, that would require hospitalization..

(Thanks for visiting my blog!)
MJ Tam said…
steph - Why thanks steph! blog away already :-)

sweatpantsmom - Yes 7 loads! uurgh. Thanks for coming by, and I hope you'd come back and visit :-)

sue ellen hehe...when you start your Aunts group lemme know, I'll join right away...hehe

sarah Isn't just so much easier when there is a list!:-)

Mommy On The Verge The train hasn't stopped unfortunately. Oh, is that Thomas I here?