It's Water Goddess To You

I’m so proud to say that I am now a real “Soccer Mom”. Woohoo! My son has been begging to take soccer for the longest time but I seem to always mess it up and never make it on time for the enrollment. Finally this spring /summer season, we got in. My son has joined the hockey league at one point, and still takes piano, but being called Hockey Mom or Piano Mom just does not have the same ring. So when my 6 year old joined the Junior Soccer League I am as excited as he is. Even tickled to say the least.
I was surprised by finally getting the call from the coach after I sent in the application to AYSO, and I was told that my son is part of the Grape Team (how cute is that). Specifics were given – when, where, and how practices and games are played. But the biggest surprise of all is I got asked to be Team Parent. Feeling important all of the sudden, I of course said Yes. Then it dawned on me. I don’t even know how soccer is played, and I’m going to be Team Parent!? So before the Coach hung up I said “Uhmmm…I’m not sure I’m capable of being one, because I don’t even know how soccer is played.” He gave a chuckle and obviously noticed how nervous I got because he said, “Oh, don’t be worried – all you have to do is the weekly water scheduling for parents”. I let out a sigh of chuckle and said that I will gladly accept the job.
A few weeks later, all parents in the team were emailed of specifics like what was discussed on the phone. Then the email was ended with. “Also, Mrs. Tam is our Team Parent”. Now I’m starting to feel silly for even having a title to my name. Why “Team Parent” when it sounds like the title is supposed to be more than what it is? I feel like I should be given my own little cushioned bench spot with an umbrella and martini on hand while I direct the game play by play along with the Coach. Don’t get me wrong – I’m perfectly fine with the water job, but can I just be called the “Water Girl” or "Water Goddess" or something. A title like that seem more apropos don't you think?
This afternoon is the first Soccer practice and I just feel like yelling, “Ok people, no messin’ with the Team Parent because you know every single one of you and your children will need water so you better kiss my high horse butt, and by the way, do you guys prefer sparkling or tap"?
And oh, to those other teams you better watch out because "Team Grape will crush every single one of you!" hehe
Also, we bring snacks. :) Good luck and GO GRAPES!
My mom was a crappy soccer mom, sports and her didnt agree.
but my dad
he was an awsome soccer dad, hockey dad,baseball dad, horsey dad. He was right in there in the thick of things some times i swear he was having a lot more fun than I was. After reading your post i really think he was.
I LOVE THIS! MUAHAHAHAHA! Personally I like the term "Water Goddess". Sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun.
Thanks! I never thought about why they asked me instead of one of the active dads - now it makes a lot of sense ...hehe
andrea -
Well I do hope that I wont earn the title of Crappy Soccer Mom because I'm bringing Fine quality H20 and gourmet snacks(grapes of course...)...and I will wear team color cheerleading outfits while serving it to them in a silvery looking plastic ware. Annnnnnd maybe hire the Fruit of the Loom Grape guy to come out and shake hands and do some cartwheels on half-time plays...hehe
kel -
Thanks! I personally like Water Goddess as well. I need one of those togas and water urn (?is that what those are called?)...hehe
I have a HUGE tip for you that will make you a hit with the whole team. I promise.
I read it in a magazine (can't remember which one now) and tried it myself. The mom who suggested it said that everyone loved her after she did it, so, of course, I thought, "I want everyone to love me!" so I did it, too.
You take a big water jug cooler thingie (that you'd keep Kool-Aid or water in) and put boiling water into it (even though it usually says cold liquids only, it won't hurt it, as long as it's not cheap, lol).
Then, add a couple of packages of hot dogs to the boiling water. Close and carry to the game.
Use tongs to serve the hot dogs to everyone and bring buns, ketchup and mustard, too, of course.
When I was snack mom, I did this and all of the kids were in Heaven!!! They talked about it for the entire season, lol.
I also think you should be called something, anything with "goddess" in the title.