My Ladies - 6 girls and a gay guy

What a weekend! For the past month I couldn't wait for this past weekend to come. I finally got to get away with my girlfriends for a little r&r in honor of our good friend Gigi who is getting married this upcoming May.

It was a surprise party for Gigi and although the planning has had many changes all the way to the last hours, the get-together was a success. Not only did it turn out to be just for Gigi, but the weekend turned out to be a celebration of friends and friendships. I needed this reaffirmation so badly, and it has renewed my profound love for this group of people.

Time and time again we have gone through major life changes. Some were bitter trials, and some were triumphant moments...and every single one of them I have shared with these ladies (some in their physical presence and some thru loving phone calls).

I can't possibly imagine having to grow old without them because I want them there to admire how my brown-colored orthopedic shoes compliment my nude-colored knee-highs. I have plans in comparing denture paste while guffawing over the comedy of it. And I have hopes in a couple of walking cane duels just to have the obligatory kiss and make-up over and over again. It will be too unfair if we all don't get to be there together for the next 20-30-40-50 years. I mean how could a senior discount at our nearby breakfast diner be so fun without having to be there for each other?...

This coming weekend our girlfriend Cecilia will undergo surgery. Nothing to worry about is what she said, and I can't help but do -- just that.


Anonymous said…
I used to have only guy friends...thinking other girls offered nothing but catty drama.

Over time though, I've learned otherwise. You NEED girlfriends. Life just isn't complete unless you have that whole Ya Ya/Sisterhood of the Traveling pants experience. lol

Glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend. ; )
Mom on the Run said…
TOTALLY! My girlfreinds and I do it every year, really just 3 or 4 of us...we find just some cabin near the beach, and all we do is talk and read celebrity magazines and go out to eat. You can use our toast 'Depends Till the End!' Meaning, we wil help each other with our Depends diapers when the time comes!
Anonymous said…
The heading of your blog sounds like a sitcom title :)

Friends are really the family that you get to pick !
That is a great post. I'm glad that you all were able to have a fantastic trip. What a wonderful thing to have such good friends.
I had a (RARE RARE RARE) weekend of R&R with friends as well...doncha feel re-charged and loved? :)

(I had a friend in High School named your friend's name a nickname, or possibly short for LeJeia??? And wouldn't that be funny?)

Thanks so much for the visit today~I'll be back to see you as well!
Valerie said…
Thanks for visiting me today, our little boys were born 2 days apart. Pretty cool huh? I also grew up in Chicago. I'm glad you had fun this weekend with all your friends. We all need that sometimes.
MJ Tam said…
sassy - fortunately our group of friends are so non-competitive against each other that it cuts the cattiness off.
MJ Tam said…
mommy on the verge - "depends til the end" is hilarious! But the meaning is just so sweet...
MJ Tam said…
Complimenting Commenter - thanks!
MJ Tam said…
Monty - Gigi is her nickname, but her real name is Maria. Honestly, I'm not sure why it is Gigi. I believe she's been called that since she was a little girl.

That would've been funny if it was the same Gigi we were talking about.
MJ Tam said…
Valerie - wow, we can actually exchange notes on our upcoming 3 year olds!

Let's talk about potty training next...hehe